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Love your data with e-Pim

14 February 2022

You don’t need to be in a relationship to fall in Love with e-Pim…

There has never been a better, leading industry PIM solution – for showing your product data some love.

e-Pim gives you the power to digitalise, connect and grow product data. It provides you with a centralised, dependable source of truth. You can manage, organise, enrich all product data and quickly introduce new products to market. Your consistent, detailed and quality information will shine across your marketing channels, helping to increase sales, and improve brand equity.

Why Does Well Structured Data Matter

The construction industry is still slow in agreeing to change and developing interoperable data, until the risk of staying the same is greater than the risk of changing. In the past, it might have been ok to manage your product data using spreadsheets, and to store your images in various locations across your business. It might also have been ok to ‘manually update’ your company website, using copy and paste or entirely unconnected methods.

*These methods no longer meet the needs of modern construction industry!

Time to Shape up, Wake up
and Love your Data

It is time to treat your product data as an asset. A loving relationship with your important product information, will allow you to seamlessly connect with your digital and marketing channels – helping to increase sales and customer loyalty.

NG15 are already helping Manufacturers and Distributors in the Electrical & Construction industry to create and consume ‘well structured product information’, by providing reliable, consistent product information, and helping to bring the construction industry into a safer future.

We can help you to:

  • Make sure product data is well structured, accurate and easily exchangeable
  • Make sure there is a single source of truth, so that you can supply information with confidence
  • Make sure your data doesn’t let you down
  • Make it work for you, automate and connect directly with the supply chain
  • Keep up with the growing number of industry regulations and legislation

Manufacturers must be responsible for how they communicate about their products.

Do you have big plans to gain more business value from your product data but don’t know where to start?

Start your love affair today and take a journey with the leading PIM specialist NG15

We would love to arrange a Date and meet you Online…
Join us online for a free e-Pim demonstration and tell us about your product data issues.

Call us today for a ‘Heart to Heart’ chat:
Tel: 01623 759 035

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