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Syndicated Product Data Is Here

11 April 2022

TRIMBLE Luckins & NG15 are working together…

The future of data syndication for the Construction Industry is here and we would like you to be a part of our rapidly growing digital transformation platform.

Trimble Luckins have for over 50 years been the trusted UK building services number one source of product and pricing information. In response to the changing requirements of the industry, it is no secret that for some time they have been expanding the data they hold to include a more enriched experience. This new data set offers attributes, images, videos, and documentation in a variety of standard and bespoke outputs to suit a given customer’s needs.

To accelerate this process, Trimble Luckins have formalised their partnership with NG15, the leading industry PIM provider, and through e-Pim will add a new and exciting dimension to their service offering.

Activate your product content across every digital channel – through an integrated platform

Through e-Pim, manufacturers can control the release of product information more effectively, and quickly reach the intended audience. This puts the manufacturer, in control of the release process by providing a ‘real time’ view of data that their customers (both wholesalers and contractors) can see. Through this syndication model, any changes made to manufacturer products are seamlessly made available to the market, without the need for preparation and delivery of data files.

Together, Luckins and NG15 have proven that the process is robust and scalable, and their Next Generation Data Services are ready to bring value to all parties across the supply chain. This competitive, “affordable for all” model, will drive sales, reduce workload, and increase accuracy and data traceability for all.

Interested in learning how you can be part of this exciting new future?

Book a demo to view our exciting new platform
To find out more about our syndicated platform and how our Next Generation Data Services will benefit you, please fill in this form for a one-to-one demonstration. We look forward to meeting with you online.

Contact us for further information – t: 01623 759 035

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