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The Product Managers Friend

12 April 2021

If you are a product manager within the construction industry working with large amounts of product data and assets, there has never been a more poignant time for implementing a product information management system (PIM).

Looking to invest in PIM?

PIM and automation of your product data is the ‘hot topic’ of the moment for B2B and B2C Commerce and as an industry, it is growing at an exponential rate. At least 50% of product-centric businesses will be actively using a dedicated PIM environment to manage their product processes so they can provide high-quality product experiences by the end of 2021.

As a product manager, you will be handling multiple tasks and will be the main point of contact for a number of areas across the business. Being able to easily communicate between different divisions of the business (including sales teams and marketing departments) and providing speedy access to the most accurate, up-to-date and consistent product data possible, is crucial.

You will also be looking to:

  • Reducing time to market
  • Onboard new products quicker
  • Expand your product range
  • Increase sales
  • Reach new markets
  • Improve workflow

To do this effectively, you need to work with a reliable PIM system provider who understands your market and can work ‘closely’ alongside you from the outset, to advise, help organise and structure your data during the PIM onboarding processes.

The power of e-Pim

NG15’s e-Pim solution is the leading construction industry product information management system and ‘ticks every box’ for effectively managing product data. Most importantly, it helps you to achieve your product management goals ‘without’ breaking your budget.

e-Pim gives you the power to:

  • Harness input from colleagues across your business, so you can collaborate together
  • Expand the number of channels where products are sold
  • Create channel-specific portfolios & customised product content
  • Ensure that product data is complete and enriched, so you can provide a fully optimised customer experience
  • Automate daily time-consuming tasks (data sheets, data pools, websites etc.)
  • Achieve faster time to market
  • Translate into any language

And many more business benefits

Spreadsheets are no longer enough…

If you are still authoring and manually managing product information and assets using antiquated processes and isolated systems, a proper Product Information Management system such as e-Pim, will provide you with a significant competitive advantage.

Want to know more?

If you have questions about digitalisation and want to know more about e-Pim, why not book on to one of our LIVE Manufacturer or Wholesaler online digitalisation sessions?

– Understand more about Digitalisation
– Why you need it for your business
– The benefits of implementing e-Pim (PIM).

For more information about e-pim or to BOOK on our NG15 / Luckins webinar – contact us today:

T: 01623 759 035

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